Main Event Sugarbush went down this weekend – super fun course and a smaller field putting down runs despite the speed issues with the falling snow.
The SGT tent was gettin’ mobbed all day thanks to our hourly prize raffles with our renewed partners RED Protection and Anon optics. Ryan gets ready to raggle off some goggles!
Goal Zero‘s Boulder 30M solar panels kept the SGT videos and tunes going strong all day. Check these guys out – mobile renewable power for everything from rolling tours like ours to Everest base camps. Legit!
Sunday – adventure comes in all forms – like when the road turns into the VAS snowmobile trail and you get stuck on a waterbar, confuse 40 snowmobilers who wonder why you’re halfway down a hill on a snowmobile trail digging an enormous rut in the fresh groomer, and then get towed out by a tractor that appears out of nowhere.
Intern Max in the woods on our actual mission, skinning and skiing the Camel’s Hump in VT.
Emma slaying at SASS. Ben Girardi photo
And, in non-X Games news, SGT client Emma Lande crushed it to 3rd place at the Jackson Hole Freeskiing World Tour qualifier, winning her the fourth and final spot on the 2011 Tour!! Emma found a line she liked on the second day and sent a fast, technical run with a few good airs. Emma’s time spent shredding at SASS with Michelle Parker and the rest of the crew really shows, and we couldn’t be more stoked for her! Check the story on Doglotion and follow Emma on her blog as she dominates the tour!