I used to get excited about skiing hills in Australia. Then I ended up working 3 seasons at Kicking Horse in British Columbia (going back for my 4th) and I’ve become addicted. I wake up in the morning and I can see the hill from my window. I hitch hike or get a ride with a buddy up to the hill so most days I’m meeting new people before I even get there.
The inbound terrain is some of the most advanced in Canada yet midweek the place is dead quiet. Most of the riders during the week are locals or ski bums and are people genuinely passionate and excited about their skiing/boarding. The ‘here-to-be-scene’ crowd just doesn’t seem to exist here so you know almost anyone you talk to or ride with is just as stoked to be there as you am.
There are programs run to help local kids from poorer families get up there and ride by people who work at and live near the hill. You’ll see local guys rocking jackets held together by duct tape sharing a pitcher with guys wearing the lastest Arc-Teryx gear. The girls here go just as hard as the guys out there and the whole skier vs. snowboarder mentality seems to be almost non-existent.
Not a day goes by during the winter that I’m not genuinely excited about getting out there and riding the hill.