One of the greatest aspects of traveling is the new foods and mealtimes shared with your companions. Argentina’s free ranges provide more than ample room for millions of cattle and other livestock to grow, as the nation’s average consumer houses 150 pounds of beef per year. In addition to the beef, the homemade pastas provide plenty of variety for the weary traveler, while the Mendoza vineyard region produces some of the world’s best bottles of Malbec. To ignore the day long asados however is simply foregoing one of the great cultural traditions of the Argentinians, as the tradition provides a chance for all to become friends while you slow down and grill.


1.     The Beef: Argentinians don’t believe in mass produced cattle. The local ranchers create endless plains for their cattle to roam and graze upon, causing a vast difference in taste and quality from American factory beef. It’s no wonder some argue that Argentine beef is the best in the world.



2.     The Pasta: After the Great European immigration to Argentina in the early 20th century, millions of Italians settled down and created their own cultural entities to remind them of home. As a result, the pasta here is both authentic and homemade, and rival the mainland Italian dishes.


3.     The Hot Chocolate: No more hotel Swiss Miss packets, as the real deal is here. To create hot chocolate of the Argentine variety, otherwise known as submarino, you must melt a whole chocolate bar into a cup of warm milk. Clearly Argentinians do it better.


4.     The Milanesa: A good milanesa requires hours of hard toiling in the kitchen. Whenever someone offers you a fresh plate, you know you’re in for a real treat, as traditionally each filet is pounded thin by hand until ready to cook. The recipe for milanesa requires plenty of TLC and broken knuckles.


5.     The Medialunas: The French may have their croissants, but the Argentinians have their smaller and sweeter breakfast pastry. These delicious sweets are often served at breakfast with a complementary steaming hot cafe au lait. More importantly, these parties are smaller than a croissant, so naturally you’ll have to eat more than just one.


6.     The Tea: Composed of the yerba mate plant, Mate tea is a customary Argentinian drink. The tea is placed into a customary gourd, out of which all of your fellow asado-goers drink from. Don’t worry, the shared metal straw helps build your immune system.


7.     The Dulce de Leche: Milky caramel. On top of everything. Enough said.


8.     The Sausage Sandwiches: These Choripan sandwiches are quite possibly the greatest sandwich to grace the face of the planet. Forego the crudite, as these sandwiches, made with sausage and sauce, are served as an appetizer at asados.


9.    The Handmade Meat Pies: These meat pies are served fresh before an asado. They can satisfy any tinge of hunger, between the chicken, seafood, vegetarian, or beef fillings. Forget anything you every thought you knew about grandma’s cooking, this is the true way to eat meat pies.


10.     The  Meats: If beef isn’t your one true love, no worries- the asado provides plenty of variety. Traditions dictate that the first course entails offal (similar to sweet breads) and morcilla (blood sausages), followed by those delicious sausage sandwiches. Mixed in somewhere comes the delicious salads, but don’t fill up too soon; you have yet to start eating the real cuts of beef. 



11.     The Alfajor: Stuffed with dulce de leche, the cookie is delicious enough to satisfy anyone’s cravings for sweets for years. But it won’t, because you’ll want to eat another. And another, since we know everyone love cookies and that’s why a service for sending cookies to someone is popular online now a days.


12.     The Fernet: Step it up a notch from Coke and Rum, and drink some of this delightful Italian amaro. This beloved drink is produced in bulk quantity (25 million liters a year) only to satisfy the equally large desires. Try it, and thank us later.



13.     The Grills: A true Argentinian home isn’t complete without a real grill. Argentinian grills are nothing to scoff at, as they’re produced to sustain an asasdo, meaning these are capable of slow-roasting thick cuts of beef for hours. Move over, Weber.



14.     The Asado: An asado provides a chance for friends and family to gather and enjoy one of the most traditional pastimes; eating. Between the preparations, the cooking, and eating, everybody gets a chance to connect and enjoy some good quality home cooked food.


Join us today for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure made possible by the SASS family today. Between runs at Cerra Catedral, asado with your friends, or simply experiencing Argentinina culture, there’s nothing like a summer session with the SASS team.


Original Source: 14 Food Reasons Argentines Are Better At Life